ASILS 7 The 7th Asian Symposium on Intense Laser Science

November 8th to 9th, 2012

Auditorium, Chemistry Main Building,
Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo

Kaoru Yamanouchi (The University of Tokyo)
Katsumi Midorikawa (RIKEN)


Toshiaki Ando (U. Tokyo)
"Coincidence measurements of the carrier-envelope phase of few-cycle laser pulses and the momentum of fragment ions: An application to D2 molecules"
Yuxi Fu and Kanaka Raju Pandiri (RIKEN)
"High power, few-cycle pulse generation and its applications"
Kyungseung Kim (KAIST)
"Measurement of absolute retardance of waveplates over a broad spectral range"
Kyoung Hwan Lee (KAIST)
"Construction of an ultrafast soft x-ray microscope using a high harmonic light source"
Yuya Morimoto (U. Tokyo)
"Observation of laser-assisted electron diffraction of CCl4 in femtosecond near-infrared laser fields"
Shigeki Owada (U. Tokyo)
"Amplification of C3u → B3g fluorescence emission of N2 from femtosecond laser filament in air"
Takao Yamazaki (U. Tokyo)
"Decomposition of trapped C6H12+ induced by intense laser fields"