
The 11th Shanghai-Tokyo Advanced Research Symposium on Ultrafast
Intense Laser Science (STAR11)

June 20 (Thu) – 23 (Sun), 2024
June 20 (Thursday)  
  18:00 - 20:00 Welcome reception
June 21 (Friday)  
  08:30 - 08:40 Opening remarks
08:40 - 09:55 Session I: High-order harmonics and attosecond pulses

Ryuji Itakura (National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology)
"Soft X-ray high harmonic generation using an intense few-cycle infrared light source"

Yuxi Fu (Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics)
"Development of mid-infrared femtosecond laser and its applications in attosecond science"

Katsuya Oguri (NTT Basic Research Labs., NTT Corporation)
"Progress in 2nd-generation attosecond spectroscopic technologies in NTT-BRL"

Peng Liu (Shanghai Optoelectronics Science and Technology Innovation Center) Optoelectronics Science and Technology Innovation Center
"High harmonic generation of bulk materials"

Yosuke Kayanuma (Osaka Metropolitan University)
"Dynamic localization and high harmonic generation in spatiotemporally periodic potentials"

09:55 - 10:15 Coffee break
10:15 - 11:30 Session II: Spectroscopy and applications

Weitao Liu (Fudan University)
"Lattice vibrations at interfaces probed by sum-frequency spectroscopy"

E Wu (East China Normal University)
"Quantum correlated single-photon frequency upconversion spectroscopy for the mid-infrared"

Peng Peng (ShanghaiTech University)
"Line shape control in ultrafast XUV transient absorption spectroscopy"

Qiang Lin (Zhejiang University of Technology)
"Quantum gravimeter and its application in earthquake monitoring"

11:30 - 12:30 Session III: Solid state and dynamics (1)

Zhengsheng Tao (Fudan University)
"Solid-state high-harmonic spectroscopy and microscopy"

Ken Onda (Kyushu University)
"Time-resolved spectroscopic studies on emissive processes in organic light emitting diode"

Shiwei Wu (Fudan University)
"2D materials: a new playground for nonlinear optics"

Hideo Morishita (Hitachi, Ltd.)
"Development of pulse electron gun utilized highly-bright NEA photocathode for time-resolved SEM - Highly bright pulse electron source driven by pulse laser - "

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:30 Session IV: Solid state and dynamics (2)

Kunio Ishida (Utsunomiya University)
"First-principles study of excitons in semiconductors by a Wannier-based lattice model" (tent.)

Parinda Vasa (IIT Bombay)
"Broadband optical response and dynamics in plasmonic nanostructures"

Kazutaka Nakamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Ultrafast dynamics of an electron-phonon composite system in a gallium arsenide crystal"

Xianfeng Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
"Efficient nonlinear photonic applications based on lithium-niobate-on-insulator micro-waveguides"

14:30 - 15:30 Session V: Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (1)

Hongcheng Ni (East China Normal University)
"Photon and field perspectives of linear momentum transfer in above-threshold ionization"

Akiyoshi Hishikawa (Nagoya University)
"Laser tunneling spectroscopy of Ar and H2 by electron-ion coincidence momentum imaging"

Feng He (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
"Ultrafast two-electron orbital swap in Li initiated by attosecond pulses"

Kenichi Ishikawa (The University of Tokyo)
"Control of photoelectron-ion entanglement and coherence via Rabi oscillations"

15:30 - 15:45 Coffee break
15:45 - 16:45 Session VI: Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (2)

Jian Wu (East China Normal University)
"Ultrafast dynamics of cold molecules"

Hirokazu Hasegawa (The University of Tokyo)
"Identification of strong field ionization of H2O from HOMO-1"

Yang Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
"Real-time real-space simulation of multielectron dynamics in molecules"

Satoshi Ashihara (The University of Tokyo)
"Rovibrational excitation of gas-phase molecules with intense mid-infrared pulses"

16:45 - 17:45 Session VII: Light sources and applications (1)

Katsumi Midorikawa (RIKEN)
"Generation and control of sub-cycle optical vortex pulses"

Keyang Liu (Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics)
"The progress and perspective of direct-liquid-cooled Yb:YAG thin disk laser technology"

Kenichi Ueda (University of Electro-Communications)
"High power disk lasers: Early '70s to today"

Juan Du (Huangzhou Institute for Advanced Study / Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics)
"Subwavelength perovskite single-mode nanolasers"

17:45 - 19:00 Session VIII: Light sources and applications (2)

Huabao Cao (Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics)
"Temporal characterization of ultra-short laser pulses via third-order nonlinear process with perturbation"

Zhaoyang Li (Shanghai Optoelectronics Science and Technology Innovation Center)
"Development considerations for ultra-intense ultrashort lasers"

Liangliang Ji (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics)
"Extreme field physics and 10/100 PW lasers at SIOM"

Hitoki Yoneda (University of Electro-Communications)
"Gas optics for high power laser applications"

Heping Zeng (East China Normal University)
"Nonlinear dynamics and intelligent control of ultrafast breather laser"

19:00 - 21:00 Banquet at Nanki Shirahama Mariott Hotel
June 22 (Saturday)  
08:30 - 09:45 Session IX: Air lasing

Tiejun Wang (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics)
"Pulse cumulative effect on high-repetition rate femtosecond laser filament in air"

Huailiang Xu (Jilin University)
"Air laser-based coherent Raman scattering spectroscopy"

Yaoxiang Liu (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics)
"Stable intense supercontinuum white light in air"

Yi Liu (University of Shanghai for Science and Technology)
"Creating vortex and vector air lasing"

Mengyun Hu (East China Normal University)
"Breakdown spectroscopy induced by nonlinear interactions of femtosecond laser filaments and multidimensional plasma gratings"

10:00 - 18:00 Free Discussion (Nachi Area)
19:30 - 21:00 Dinner
June 23 (Sunday) Departure

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